Peony Market

Gifts for home and those you cherish


Faith Of A Mustard Seed

sharon moyeComment

Jesus is our Waymaker giving us hope as we believe and trust Him!

We may have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, but that faith can move mountains. Walking in faith this Spring for newness of Life will bring huge blessings. Christ offers the Way; look at the blossoms of the trees, shrubs and flowers. Little by little more buds, more foliage until Spring is in full bloom. The blue sky is the perfect backdrop to highlight the hues of Spring. .

The picture of Spring on this side of Eden mirrors our lives as we step toward faith in God. Walking with Jesus, the Waymaker, He moves us to great things for Him and others. When we listen to His prompts and move in the Spirit we bear buds and blooms for Him. The more we deny ourselves and let the Waymaker have His way the greater array of beauty.

My husband and I are in a season of preparing our hearts for Easter. We started a little later than Ash Wednesday to begin Lent, but God sees our hearts to give up something to focus on Him more fully. The Waymaker wants full attention and less distractions. Sometimes, giving up something helps us to depend on Him making the Way and trusting Him fully. We are asking God to pour new wine in new wineskins for us and help us hear God clearer and brighter.

“Faith as small as a Mustard Seed Can Move Mountains”

Matthew 17:20

Peony Market can only bloom fully as Marilyn and I believe and trust God to move mountains in our lives personally and for our business with helping fight Human Trafficking. We will be offering a Spring Market at my home on the 14th and 15th of April after Easter and Spring Break. Our products will represent Faith, Hope and Love. Mark your calendars and find gifts for Spring and Summer babies, graduation, Mother’s Day and items to brighten your home this Season.

We are looking forward to seeing you this spring! Let’s take time each day to prepare our hearts for somber death of Jesus and celebrating His glorious resurrection! In my Bible study, we are reading New Life Rising. Click the book and order your copy if you would like.

In Christ,


Path Of Light

sharon moyeComment

Light draws our souls to a source that is bigger than the universe. We witness it in nature through the Sun, Moon and Stars. Light illuminates the skies. We witnessed a beautiful full moon in Italy on our 35th Anniversary trip. It was magical!

There is a greater light than these magnificent lights; the designer of those lights, God of the Universe. Over these past few months, I have specifically been seeking the Light, God, to illuminate the path for me personally and with our business, Peony Market.

You haven’t heard from us for awhile, because we have been waiting on the Lord to reveal His future plans for Peony Market. I believe it was important to step back and check our motives and business vision, seeking God to illuminate His ways for the past several months.

It has been exciting to see God answer prayers and reveal His path. While seeking God through prayer using the Circle of Prayer with one of my mentees, God led my husband and I to move back to our old home. Yes, God opened the doors for us to move back to our old home where our children were raised for half of their lives. So, we have been busy relocating as well as seeking God’s plan professionally. The young ladies I mentor and myself are currently doing the Bible Study, Experiencing God- Knowing and Doing the will of God. It has been an awesome way of rethinking and looking for where God is working and go! It is through His word and prayer where we encounter the Living God who illuminates our path.

in regards to Peony Market, we feel called to continue to curate products related to theme of Isaiah 61. The gatherings and “pop ups” will be a way to support and give back to Uncaged and other organizations that fight human trafficking. We are having an informational gathering in November with donors and hopefully future donors to understand more about Uncaged and the Sanctuary in Romania. Peony Market will also have a “gift shop” gathering at my new home Friday, December 2nd and Saturday, December 3rd. You will all be invited to shop and find those unique gifts for those you cherish this Christmas. The gathering is named, “The Light of the World” to remember God is the true light. We look forward to seeing you!

“ I am the Light of the World whoever follows me will not walk in Darkness but will have the Light Of Life.

John 8:12

So, mark your calendars and join us at my home December 2nd or 3rd to purchase some of your gifts for Christmas while giving back to Uncaged.

Grace and Peace,


Peony Market’s Lights to bring to illuminate your space

Reflection Brings Renewal

sharon moye

Happy New Year!!


2021 holds lots of possibilities! It is helpful to self reflect from the previous year in order to make necessary steps and changes for the following year. Journaling your thoughts brings awareness and truth to different areas of your life. I have listed below some examples of areas to journal:

•Make a 2020 gratitude list

•Accomplishments for the year

•Relationships nurtured

•Ministries served

There are many more, but some important areas to reflect on. The idea of journaling brings your mind and emotions together and seeing progress as well as areas that need attention. Through this reflection you are engaged in your emotions and aware of your role in the world. Joni Erickson Tada said it best in her 2021 planner that I am using, “God is looking for cupbearers like you!” Nehemiah, was a cupbearer for the king in Persia. He asked the king for permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and city. His passion was lead by prayer and fasting.

What is our heart for 2021? God desires to use us!

What a great honor to be used by God to be His cupbearer!

As we reflect, it brings brings a renewed sense of desire to know what is important to us. Then, being filled by His spirit we can go and move forward into 2021 with renewed heart and vision. Peony Market is so grateful for this past year. My business partner, Marilyn, and I will go on a business retreat this month to Reflect and be Renewed by His Spirit. This retreat comes at a perfect time of year as we plan for the gatherings, products and collaboration with Uncaged, Victoria’s Friends and House of Grace.

Our heart and desire is for Peony Market to be a cupbearer for the King of Kings. All that we do we want to bring God glory , help bring change to women caught in human trafficking and making our gatherings a platform to provide special gifts that will give back to these organizations. The gatherings are a beautiful environment to enjoy one another’s friendships and provide products for those you cherish, giving back to those in need.

In 2020, Peony Market gave gifts to Uncaged to help provide gift baskets. Uncaged hosted a Trauma Informed Retreat with 12 women from Wellspring ( a ministry in Atlanta that helps transform lives of those at risk or victimized by sexual exploitation). Their retreat was an opportunity for the ladies to experience the therapies that Uncaged will be providing for their rescued women in Romania. We are hoping their Romanian Sanctuary will be built this year! We will keep you posted.

The beautiful framed piece of art pictured below was painted by one of the ladies in their art therapy workshop.


This is just one of the many therapies Uncaged will be providing in their future Sanctuary in Romania. Please follow Uncaged on FB and uncaged_org on Instagram to keep up with news.

It is these organizations that move our heart to continue to ask God to use Peony Market to truly help women be transformed and healed from the trauma of human trafficking.

The possibilities are waiting us! it begins with Reflection. As we enter 2021 and go on our business Retreat and you engage in the New Year, lets begin with Prayer!

“And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31

Enjoy Peony Market’s wonderful soaps and oil as you Reflect and Renew this year!!!!


